Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Phnom Penh - Day 9 of TBC's Adventures

Hello from Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia!

I arrived here yesterday after a 5 hour ride on a river boat up the Tonle Sap River from Siem Reap. This is a passenger boat that goes about 35 mph, and people sit inside the cabin in the bitsiest seats that make crowded airplane seats feel like a cakewalk. Because it's so crowded, many people abort the cabin and go outside to sit on the top of the boat (which truly wasn't intended for passengers). So of course, I had to take part in the action to get a fabulous video.

Right before walking outside of the boat, I put my iTouch in my pocket. Once I jumped up on top of the curved roof of the boat and sat down, I heard a clank and to my absolute horror, saw my iTouch sliding off the roof of the boat toward the water!!!! (Let me just take this quick moment to say that my iTouch has been my lifesaver during this trip. It was a gift from the extra fabulous Ronda Conger, and without it, I could not have shot all these fabulous videos that I've been sharing with you! So, I'm sure you can imagine my dismay as I watched it plumet toward the water.) As my new friend Wayne put it, I must be very Irish, because the iTouch landed on the walkway below the roof of the boat, which is about 2 feet wide, and sat there on the very edge! I screamed, made sure I wouldn't fall into the water too, and jumped down to rescue my baby. When I grabbed it, everyone on top of the boat that was watching cheered!! Some dude even gave me a high five! Thank you sweet bejubus!

Okay, so here's my happy video, post rescue. It's hard to hear me because it's so windy, but it makes for a good show:

It was a very scenic ride and included huge raccoon eyes from the big sunglasses I wore (note to self - no more big sunglasses while tanning). Here's a quick vid of a floating village we passed by:

My favorite part of the ride were the extra friendly villagers we'd pass. Whether in a boat or on land, they would have a huge smile on their face and would wave like crazy. The kids were the best part - they'd wildly wave with both hands as if we were the most exciting thing they'd seen all day.

I am now at my hotel which has a nice balcony over the Tonle Sap River. I shot a quick video of it this morning:

I'd like to take a quick moment to discuss the wild and crazy things I've seen on motorcycles or "moto's" as they call them here:

1) A family of five, including Mom, Dad, Son, Daughter, and Baby (yes - all on one bike!) - FAMILY TOGETHER TIME!
2) Six crates of eggs and two people - front person driving, crates in the middle, and back person holding crates with legs flailing out to the sides - INTENSE!
3) Women in skirts riding side saddle. This is a common occurance - LADY LIKE!
4) Two people and a car bumper. This one took up a lane and a half of traffic - INSANE!

The most interesting part of the driving situation here is that there are very few stoplights, and if there are stoplights, no one obeys them... At intersections, everyone just slows down but doesn't stop. They just keep driving through where they see a hole in traffic. Pedestrians walk slowly through the intersection (without stopping), and cars, trucks, bicycles, and motos swerve around them. Traffic lanes are ignored with an invisidble middle lane created for passing, regardless of oncoming traffic. Even when turning, motos cut the corner and drive for a while down the wrong side of the street until they can find a place to merge over onto the correct side. And everyone honks all them time because this is there notification to other drivers that they are passing you. I am truly in awe of this situation.

So I decided to get crazy and ride on the back of a moto today. The moto driver dude had mad follow up skills (followed me down the street, waited for me while I ate breakfast, waited for an hour while I went through a museum, etc, etc). Plus, he was wearing a pink shirt (how could I resist???). I survived the ride - and dare say I enjoyed it - and asked him how much he wanted to be paid. He said, "Maybe I be lucky and you give me $20?" I laughed and gave him $4 (a very good wage for a moto driver).

For all you CBH Homes sales peeps that I so love and adore ::: The moto driver was a great lesson in sales skills...

1) Follow your prospects everywhere they go. Wait for them outside and remind them that your services are readily available each time you see them.
2) Don't take no for an answer. Or be willing to hear it 23 times until you get a "yes."
3) If they say they are scared to go for a ride, tell them you'll be safe and won't kill them.
4) Aim high for your price and work your way down from there. And be funny about it so they're not offended.
5) Be patient and wait for them to look around before their ride.
6) Make suggestions for destinations you think they might like and might benefit your paycheck (he suggested he take me for a ride 20 miles outside of town to see a tourist sight).
7) Wear an outfit they will recognize when they see you again (Pink in may case! Or in yours... Fabulous CBH black and red! Can I get a double meow?!?!)

That's all for now, folks! Peace out from Cambodia!

All my love,


Monday, October 25, 2010


Helllloooo Party People!

I am officially on day 6 of my excellent adventure and I am in Siem Reap, Cambodia. I have been touring temples for the past two days... including Angkor Wat - the 8th wonder of the world! I have several day's worth of videos to share with you... Check them out!

Video from Day 3 - After I had just crossed the border from Thailand into Cambodia... This looks very third world (okay it is third world) and makes me super thankful for the paved beautiful streets and happy beautiful safe greenbelt of Boise, Idaho! Seriously - we Americans have no idea how good we have it.

Video #2 from Day 3 - Traveling in a taxi from the border to Siem Reap with my new friend that I adopted on the bus ride from Bangkok to the border. His name is Richard and he is from England but lives in Bangkok and Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It was a complete blessing that I met him, because he guided me through the somewhat scary/confusing Thai-Cambodia border and then we shared a taxi to Siem Reap. The ride took two hours to get there, and I was so excited to learn that Richard has traveled all over the world via backpack and had supremely excellent advice for places to visit/things to do/insider tips for EVERY place I asked him about. SCORE! To top off the day, Richard told me about an awesome guest house in Siem Reap that I'm staying at... It has free wifi, a pool, and it's all for $16 per night (breakfast included). This is a serious step up from a backpacker hostel in which I would be sharing a bathroom.

Day 4 - I am standing by the river in Sieam Reap... I love this place! I am MUCH more at home here than in Bangkok... Bangkok was a bit much for the travel rookie. This place is still touristy, but much smaller, friendlier, and Cambodia deals in US dollars!

Day 5 - Standing on the moat in front of Angkor Wat. WOW. What a truly breathtaking place. This is the 8th wonder of the world! BAM!

Day 6 - Riding in a tuk tuk on my way to more temples. A cultural experience.

Day 6, Video #2 - The Khmer people of Cambodia have experienced some crazy stuff in their lifetime - major craziness as recent as 1975... This is a band made up of mine victims that were playing just outside of a temple. These mini bands are all over this place.

Day 6, Video #3 - Riding in a tuk tuk again past more temples... This shot is my favorite scene in all the temple watching. It's in front of a place called "The Terrace of the Elephants" and it's this wide open green grassy area that is lined by these massive stone structures. My apologies for the bumpy video. :)

Day 6, Video #4 - Still riding in my tuk tuk and passing by Angkor Wat!

Are you peeps tired of videos yet?!?! Or just tired of tuk tuk videos?

Here are a couple of cool pics (for more pics, check out my Facebook page):

Me in front of Angkor Wat. Check out the reflection in the pool behind me... My guide recommended this picture spot. You can see all five towers from this shot. The green sections are where they are currently doing restoration.

Me from the top of Angkor Wat (please excuse the make-up free sweaty face... I'm telling you - all this sweating is one hell of a weight loss program. And a cause for no makeup and three showers a day! MUAH!).

That's all for now, folks! I'll be travelling to Phnom Penh, Cambodia the day after tomorrow via river boat and will have more updates then!


Tara Cambodia Rocks Cheney

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bangkok Day 2

Hello everyone!

Today is Day 3 in Bangkok for me, but I made two videos yesterday! Check them out:

Rasayana Raw Food Cafe

Riding on a river boat

Today I am headed to the bus station to ride to the Cambodia border to head into Siem Reap, next to the temples of Angkor Wat aka the "Eighth Wonder of the World."

Can't wait!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Video Episode #2 - Bangkok!

Helloooo from Bangkok, Thailand! I am sooo very excited to be here and have soooo very much to talk about that I decided it would be easier to tell you in a video! I actually made this yesterday, but had trouble uploading it. But, I figured it out and here it is! Enjoy:

Highlights so far:

1) Pink taxi cabs everywhere. I knew I was in the right place as soon as I saw them. :)

2) Pineapple on a stick... YUMMY!

3) The MBK mall... Crazy sensory overload for the eyes! Tons of stuff for sale for uber cheap.

4) $10 Thai massages.

5) Spicy veggie lunch for 50 bat aka $1.60!

Check out my Facebook page for more pics:

Peace out from Thailand!



Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Video Episode #1 - Los Angeles


Here's a quick view of my temporary residence until October 18th... This is the view from Johnnie P's deck in Silverlake aka the lovely Los Angeles, California:

Let the countdown begin... 12 days 'till Bangkok... WOOT WOOT!



Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stop #1 ::: Los Angeles

Party peeps!

Just a quick update... I am in LA prepping for the grand adventures in SE Asia and having an OUTSTANDING time! My sister CeCe came to visit me, and she, Johnnie, and I went to the mummies exhibit at the California Science Center. Here we are lifting a 5,400 lb pickup...
Truck is down. Girls are up.

Girls are down. Truck is up.

And CeCe is just plain funny...

Have I metioned that I heart my seester?

She received the grand Hollwood and Sunset Boulevard tours yesterday as well as a trip to Disneyland's California Adventure in the rain today! We road in the front seats of a roller coaster in the rain and it felt like we were getting pelleted! We held our hands in front of our faces the whole time... Nothing like a great pair of post-rollercoasterintherain mascara raccoon eyes in Disneyland... SEXY!

:::IMPORTANT WORLD TRAVEL UPDATE::: I was originally planning on departing for Bangkok tonight at 1:20 am, but instead I am extending my Los Angeles fun and will be staying here until October 18th at 1:20 am.... Stay tuned for updates and VIVA the world!
